Competent Lawyers can help you Procure your Rightful Share.
Statistics in Australia indicate that more than half of divorces are filed by one partner and often come as an unpleasant surprise for the other partner. Seeking advice from top divorce lawyers can help you protect yourself from financial stress and worry in the future. The good news is that you can sort out your finances faster with technological advances in banking. Experienced lawyers can help you understand your rights and claim your rightful share in the event of a divorce.
In many marriages and relationships, women leave behind careers and jobs to look after their children and execute household responsibilities. In such cases, it is even more critical to ensure that all your monies and assets are distributed fairly and justly. Hiring the proper legal counsel can help reduce the traumatic after-effects of divorce; it’s essential to be protected from financial hardship. You need to know how much money you have in the bank and the financial implications of moving out and paying the bills independently.
With rising living costs, being assured of financial security’s more critical than ever. In fact, even if you are earning, it may not be easy to afford to pay rent, utility bills, etc. It’s a good idea to open a separate bank account (if you haven’t done so already) and direct your pay and other income into this account.
In many cases, one partner is usually more financially-savvy and dominant in financial matters. The other spouse is often unaware of the bank accounts, investments and so on. In the event of a divorce, it pays to keep abreast of your financial health and stake a legal claim to the assets that you are entitled to. You may also need to consider securing credit cards and cancelling access to critical information like passwords. An experienced lawyer can provide guidance and help draw a legitimate financial agreement without undue coercion from either partner.
A Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) is a legal contract between engaged, married or de facto couples regarding their financial liabilities, assets and financial resources. A BFA helps protect your property and assets in case the relationship breaks down. If both parties have signed the BFA, they must default to the agreement for any queries or doubts. Unfortunately, binding financial agreements without the supervision of a family lawyer are often challenged and overturned in court. Even if the couple has not entered into a binding financial agreement, the good news is that it’s never too late to make one with the help of a reliable family lawyer.