Estate planning is a complex process which many people put off because they feel that it is too hard or not worth doing. However, estate planning is all about protecting your loved ones and making sure that they don’t get penalised if you happen to pass away. Although estate planning isn’t fun and can take up a lot of time, high-quality estate planning lawyers are out there, and are a great choice when you are looking for someone to help you put a plan into place.
There are many reasons why estate plans are very important. They apply to everyone, rich and poor, young and old and should be put into place as soon as possible if you don’t already have one. A few of the reasons why estate plans are so important include:
They can help avoid taxes
Sure, you won’t have to pay any taxes when you die, but your loved ones will. Estate planning is all about making sure that the recipients of your property after you die won’t have to pay extremely high taxes. While they will undoubtedly still have to pay some, a decent estate plan can help keep taxes as low as possible. Talk an estate planning lawyer for more information.
They make sure that your property goes where you want it to
Without an estate plan or will in place, it will be up to the courts to decide who receives your property when you pass away. Drafting even the most basic estate plan (with the help of a qualified estate planning lawyer of course) will help make sure that your property goes to the intended recipients without them having to go through long and difficult court cases.
They make it easy for the family that you leave behind
No one wants to think about it, but the reality is that you will pass away at some point. This will already be a very trying time for the family that you have left behind as they will need to try and get back to their feet after losing you. Don’t put any extra burdens on them – get in touch with an estate planning lawyer today to draft a new estate plan or to update an existing one.
Developing an estate plan
In reality, if you want to protect your spouse and children after your death, you need an estate plan. Don’t leave it up to the courts and the tax man to divide your property – they will all take their own cut off the top. Although you would probably rather spend the time going on holidays or doing things you enjoy, take a few hours to see an estate planning lawyer and discuss your future.